Hey, I'm Tanessa.

I can help you completely upgrade your health so you can show up to your business like a high performing CEO.

Maybe that’s because you have been trying to rely on take out food, way too much coffee & 6 hours of sleep each night to scale your business.


1. I teach you to optimize your sleep environment and habits using real time data so you can get quality rest each night. Why does this matter? Entrepreneurs that are serious about growing their business need to have the energy and clarity to stay completely focussed and produce high quality work output.

2. I show you how to easily upgrade your nutrition so you can balance your hormones and eliminate brain fog and midday energy slumps. Ultimately, inflammation equals brain fog and brain fog slows you down. (This is the secret sauce!) 

3. I give you highly effective strategies to optimize your work environment and manage your stress so you can stay in FLOW. Your highest quality work comes when you are in the zone. More of this means more impact, more results, more customers served, and a faster growing business.  

I take my mind, body and focus very serious – that’s why I know exactly what it takes to go to work.

I know what it’s like to feel unmotivated, tired and unfocussed when you sit down to your desk. That used to be me.

I was sick of having a couple good hours of quality work in the morning and then fall apart during the afternoon energy slump.

I thought that the grind & hustle type of hard work would make me productive… but that wasn’t true at all.

It was about getting quality sleep recovery.
Intentionally eating whole foods every day.
Balancing my hormones & eliminating brain fog.
Setting up a work environment that enhanced my focus.
Reducing my work and personal stress significantly.

This is exactly why I am the perfect person to help you optimize your body & elevate your focus so you can scale your business faster. 

My coaching style is REAL. I tell you what you NEED to hear, not what makes it easy. I’m deeply passionate about seeing my clients win and I obsessively hold them accountable while they take action.

I’m really good at getting you in to a state of peak performance because I LIVE it every single day. Once you truly understand the reasons you’ve been feeling stuck & slow, it makes it easy to never go back. 

Together, we go forward.

I've been around the block & that's how I know I can help you. 


Tanessa Shears is an experienced health consultant who specializes in helping high achieving entrepreneurs completely overhaul their health so they can achieve massive breakthroughs in their personal and professional lives. She rolls up her sleeves and gets elbows deep with her clients as she guides them to work through all of it, piece by piece.  

What makes Tanessa’s clients so successful? She understands that creating a plan and following it is only PART of the solution. She teaches her clients how to manage the stress & mind drama that comes with taking back control. She loves exploring what ELSE is possible for your business when you fully optimize your health, elevate your focus and REALLY go to work

After Tanessa discovered how powerful proper sleep recovery and targeted nutrition were to creating the clarity, energy and focus to grow her own business, she developed her signature Becoming Limitless Program that she teaches to her clients. With these skills, she has completely transformed her life and is continuously living in breakthrough. 

She’s no stranger to setting BIG goals. She’s been there herself and figured it out – that’s why she created her cutting edge program based in modern science for entrepreneurs looking to take their business to the next level and get the most out of every single day.

Tanessa’s Certifications
BCAK Registered Kinesiologist
BSc. Biomedical Physiology & Kinesiology
Certified Sleep Science Coach
SFU Certificate in Health & Fitness Studies
SFU Extended Coursework in Applied Human Nutrition
Certified Precision Nutrition Coach
BCRPA Personal Trainer, Cycling Instructor, Group Fitness & Aquafitness